Saturday, April 6, 2013

Jonty Hurwitz - Interactive 3D Art

Jonty Hurwitz
3D Artist

        Interactive art is always fascinating to me.  I think that Jonty's work is amazing, I can't even  imagine how he was able to conceptually visualize some of his pieces much less create them.  Jonty takes distorted shapes that otherwise look like stretched metal and transforms them into normal objects through reflection on a stainless cylinder.  It's the contrast between and transformation from the abstract to the everyday that's so interesting to me.  Every piece is a sculpture in itself.
        Be sure to check out Jonty's website, it's more than just a portfolio and he has a lot of different kinds of work.  There is plenty of information and content, so be sure to check it out.  Here are some of my favorite pieces of his.

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